
"The driving force behind any dealership is unit sales."

Negotiating deals and managing your costs at the sales floor level is essential. Your sales force will quickly and easily navigate through the sales process with our unit sales module. Peartree Dealership is designed with your sales force and your bottom line in mind.

The integrated nature of Peartree Dealership allows you to quickly get your customer through a sale.  Ensuring you have access to all relevant information you can know your costs, and manage your margins staying profitable.

From lead to final sale, Peartree Dealership has you covered

Track Units and Customers

Easily manage your customer relationships with current and relevant sales information.  Track unit sales by unit or customer.  Access customer purchases, payments, and unit history.  Stay organized and keep your customers coming back.

Start the Sale

Initializing sales is simple!   You can quickly and easily attach a unit to a customer and begin the sales process.  Take deposits or save a deal to re-open it at a later time.  Easily convert quotes to an active sale, and have all the relevant information right at hand.

Taking a Trade?

Trade in vehicles are easily entered with both your accounting and inventory in mind.  Calculated into any deal will automatically produce accurate owing balances, and the trade-in unit will appear in your inventory with the proper costs already associated with it.

Watch your Margins

While entering in a deal, use the deal calculator to maximize value.  Quickly review - base cost, add-on costs, customer offers, trade difference, margin and required margin%.  By always having your margins and costs accessible you can manage how much to give or take, remaining profitable while still making the sale.

Finalize the Deal

Before finalizing the deal be sure to offer add-ons, parts or service.  Have your dealership at your full disposal!  Take (or refund) deposits, payments and trade ins.  View the deal summary and have the correct sales contracts printed.  Once the sale is finalized, the customer is attached to the unit for easy service offerings in the future.

Relax, all of the accounting is done

No extra accounting work is needed! All information is completely integrated between modules.  Changes made, sales and purchases automatically process required AP and AR invoices along with the corresponding GL activity through your daily transactions.

Like what you're hearing?

Try out Peartree Dealership for free! Dive in to see how Peartree Dealership can bring value to all areas of your dealership.