
"How is my dealership doing today? What sales are complete?

From the dashboard you can take a quick look at the numbers!  View your finalized deals, initialized deals, part sales, service, and unit sale details all in one location.   Sort by date and by store locations.  View relevant information quickly to manage your daily or monthly performance.

The integrated nature of Peartree Dealership allows you to quickly get your customer through the sale, all while ensuring you have access to all relevent information so you know your costs, and margins right in front of you.

Peartree Dealership has you covered

View active Performance

One screen snapshot of working numbers to your dealership.  View finalized deals, initialized deals, part sales and service activity live on the dashboard.

Watch your Bottom Line

Know how all of your departments are preforming.  View costs, revenue and sales by location or date.  Drill down into unit sale details for a clearer picture.  Quickly access the essential information needed to determine growth opportunities and your dealerships current status.


Determine what information you need or want available through distinct reports and customization.  Customize your system for easy use.

Like what you're hearing?

Try out Peartree Dealership for free! Dive in to see how Peartree Dealership can bring value to all areas of your dealership.